Preview and Download BlastoSPIM Data Sets

The BlastoSPIM 1.0 dataset (everything excluding the 'Blast' series below) includes 573 fully annotated 3D images of nuclei in mouse embryos, each manually curated for annotation. Across all images, there are 11708 individual nuclear instances annotated and 116 annotated polar bodies. Not all of these 3D images come from different time series. For example, for one developing mouse embryo, we annotated 89 consecutive time-points. The total number of distinct embryos imaged and annotated in BlastoSPIM 1.0 is 31. The BlastoSPIM 2.0 dataset (the 'Blast' series below) consists of 80 annotated images of late-stage embryos. This set includes 6628 nuclear instances. When added to our original ground-truth set, the final number of annotated images is 653, and the number of annotated nuclear instances is 18336. In BlastoSPIM 2.0, not all of these 3D images come from different time series, though BlastoSPIM 2.0 does not contain 3D images from adjacent timepoints. The total number of distinct embryos imaged and annotated in 2.0 is 25.

This panel displays the series in the data set with images from an example timestamp.

Only the "Blast" series belongs to BlastoSPIM 2.0. All other series belong to BlastoSPIM 1.0.

Click the series button to display all timestamps for the series.

This panel displays the timestamps for the selected series.

Click on the timestamp button to view the timestamp in detail.

Timestamp detail

This panel displays details for the selected timestamp. Maximal value projections appear on the left and extruded label segmentation appears on the right.

Adjust the slider to adjust the maximum vertical layer for the images.


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